Installation & Setup
General Assembly Instructions
- ATI Axia-80 F/T Sensor Installation
- MIRAI Real-Time Data Exchange Registers on Universal Robots / RTDE / OnRobot URcap
- MIRAI Controller Installation Guide
- Hardware Specifications - MIRAI Controller
- Mounting Cameras
- Configuring the OnRobot Compute Box
Fanuc Systems
- How to restore and image backup on FANUC (CRX 10iAL)
- Requirements / components with FANUC
- Connecting Components - Fanuc
- Adding MIRAI Skills to the DATA String Registers on Fanuc TP
- Switching between the FANUC Tablet TP and the MIRAI Training App
- Returning Values of MIRAI Functions
Universal Robots Systems
- MIRAI components with Universal Robots
- How to correctly connect the ring light to the UR control?
- Polyscope Functions and Variables
- Installing URCaps
- MIRAI Software Version & URCap Compatibility
- MIRAI with the CB3-Series