To visualize the use of the MIRAI URCap plugin, following a series of steps to implement a MIRAI skill call within a sample program in PolyScope. The screens represent the CB3 series (PolyScope version 3.x). The steps for the e-Series are explained in the next section (PolyScope version 5.x and higher).
- After turning on the UR robot, the start screen of the PolyScope appears.
- Click on ‘Program Robot’.
- Select ‘Empty Program’ to start writing a new PolyScope program or select ‘Load Program’ to open a stored program.
- To include a MIRAI call node while writing and teaching a PolyScope robot program, select the ‘Structure’ tab from the main editor section. The ‘Program Structure Editor’ window appears.
- Select the ‘URCaps’ tab in the main section.
Preloading a MIRAI skill improves the initialization time of the subsequent “Execute MIRAI” node. Tap on the ‘Preload MIRAI Skill’ button. Tapping on the ‘MIRAI Skill’ button will insert a MIRAI node in the PolyScope program tree without preloading it.
Tap on the ‘Preload MIRAI Skill’ button. Select the required skill and click ‘Preload skill’.
- Select ‘Execute MIRAI’ from the left panel. From the ‘List of available skills’, select the skill to be executed and tap on ‘Execute skill’. The Robot Program node icon in the robot program tree should change from yellow to green.
The MIRAI node is now configured and ready to use.
In case of connection problems or when a MIRAI node is not active after loading the PolyScope program (the icon of the Robot program node in the program tree is yellow and not green).
In case of a connection issue, please check Installing URCaps
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