When creating a skill, you can use the Tags feature in the MIRAI Training app to better organize your data. You can sort your episode data into tag groups based on end-effector, workpieces, lighting adjustments, and safety adjustments and much more using tags. Tags allow admins to filter data by the tag name to view results for that tag only, or select multiple tags to view results for multiple groups. You can create and edit an unlimited number of tags at any time. Individual episodes can also be associated with multiple tags.
Tags are powerful when used with our latest software generation (10.0.0 - Kaolin) for reviewing different versions of skills. To learn more about the latest software update: User Guide - Mirai Training App (10.0.0 Kaolin)
Examples of Tags for training:
- Variance in lighting conditions. E.g., “sunlight”, “spotlight”, “cloudy”
- Variance in the color, shape or appearance of the target object. E.g., “red”, “rectangle”
- Variance in different starting positions or angles, E.g., “left”, “up”, “top-right”
- Changing background or moving objects in the background
- Adding tags under the name of the person who recorded episodes
- “trial” or “practice” episodes
- Tagging “recovery episodes”, where the robot is already positioned in a point besides the ideal path. In other words, show the robot how to correct a mistake.
- Indicating who did the respective recordings in case several people are working on a skill
Please note that the maximum number of tags is ‘ten’ per episode; the total tags associated with a skill however can be more than ten.
Adding New Tags During Training:
From the skill overview page, locate your desired skill and click the "three dots" to the right > then navigate to "Episode overview" from the dropdown menu.
Note: You must have at least one recorded episode in order to add new tags.
Step 2
Tap on the "+ tags" button or select an existing tag option. Enter a brief name/description for the new tag. You can also select other existing tags that may apply to your episode by checking the appropriate boxes.
Step 3
The selected tags are shown at the top of the screen. Tap ‘Done’ once you have added all the tags. You can also modify these tags later.
Step 4
Proceed with recording the episodes. You can also modify the tags before selecting ‘Use for training’ or ‘Discard’, by tapping on the ‘+ Tags’ icon.
Step 5
Proceed with recording the subsequent episodes. Note that the tags that you selected from the previous episode are automatically carried over to the next recording. You can add or remove tags immediately before or after the next episode is recorded.
Tag Management Page:
Once you have recorded all the episodes, on the skill overview screen, you can review or modify all tags for that specific skill. Tap on the "three-dots" in the skill overview screen and then select ‘Episode overview’.
You can also view all tags for your entire system in one place from the Tag Management page. To manage all tags in your directory, navigate to the main menu icon and select ‘Tag Management’.
Along the right side of each episode you can tap the pencil symbol to create and manage tags assigned to that recording.
Note: that this would mean updating the tag name across multiple episodes, possibly across different skills.
Tap on the “delete icon” to delete a tag. Please note that you can delete a tag once it is not associated with an episode.
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