- In the ‘Skills in Training’ overview screen, tap on the ‘Start Cloud Training’ button to trigger the calculation of a new skill iteration. Note that you will only see the cloud training button and be able to proceed once you have recorded at least 5 successful episodes with at least 30 seconds worth of recorded data. The number of recorded episodes (for that iteration) are indicated below the skill name. The total number of recorded skills can be seen in the ‘About skill’ information.
- Once cloud training has started, you will see ‘Cloud training in progress’ and the estimated time remaining written next to the skill. This process will take approximately 45 minutes. For dual camera skills it is double the time.
- To Check if the Cloud Training is finished, please open the Skill. Once the skill is available, you will see the text in green indicating that an updated skill is available for testing.
- The displayed status info of each skill is updated every 15 minutes. By pulling the screen downward and releasing it again, you can refresh this information anytime.
- You may encounter the following exceptions and will see an error message indicating the reason why cloud training has not been successful. These could be:
- ‘Error due to no data connection’ – please ensure that the internet connection to the MIRAI controller is working and stable.
- ‘Training data still being uploaded, cloud training will start once data upload is finished’ – the upload of the training data has not finished, yet. Please try again after a short period. In case this error persists, please check the internet connection of the MIRAI controller.
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