Schematic view of a MIRAI controlled robot setup
IMPORTANT: The Ethernet cable must be connected to the FANUC controller in one of the Ethernet RJ45 slots. If the FANUC robot controller has several ports such as CD38A and CD38B, we recommend using CD38B or Port 2. If the controller has only one slot, use CD38A.
The schematic view of a MIRAI controlled robot setup shows the various components that a MIRAI based solution includes. It also indicates all the components and peripherals supported by the MIRAI controller, and how these are connected through various available interfaces.
The MIRAI solution comprises of the following elements:
- MIRAI robot controller creates sensor-based, real-time robot movements based on trained ‘skills’.
- ‘MIRAI Training App’ is the primary user interface for the MIRAI controller to record training episodes and manage MIRAI skills. It is a mobile app for Android based tablet devices.
- The Micropsi Industries cloud training service calculates MIRAI skills based on the recorded and uploaded training episodes.
- CM and MIRAIEXECUTE enable the user to access the MIRAI skills and integrate these in FANUC Tablet TP robot program flows.
- Place the MIRAI controller in proximity to the FANUC robot arm or the FANUC robot control cabinet; since it must be connected to the USB cameras and the robot controller. When placing the controller ensure that there is enough intake of air (room temperature) through the ventilation slits. After the setup is complete, we recommend physically fixing the controller to protect it from falling and movement. The enclosed L-mount fixture allows mounting the controller to a surface.
- Connect the MIRAI Ethernet interface for robot control, the Ethernet interface from the FANUC
control cabinet, and the Ethernet interface of the ‘Compute Box’ of the OnRobot F/T sensor to a
Gbit Ethernet switch using UTP cables, creating a local area network (LAN) for the robot control - Plug the remaining end of the USB cable that is connected to the camera into one of the free USB3 ports of the MIRAI controller. Several USB3 type A ports can be found at the rear or the front of the controller.
- Connect the remaining free Ethernet WAN port to a network with WAN/internet access. Since the IP address of this port is expected to be set through a DHCP, ensure the connected network provides a DHCP service.
- Mount the enclosed Wi-Fi antennas to the antenna connectors.
- Connect the MIRAI controller to power using the enclosed universal AC power supply (240V, 120W)
- Once you turn on the MIRAI controller, wait for the second ‘beep’, which indicates that the system is up and running. This can take between 2 and 4 minutes, depending on the setup.
- To test if the sensor is mounted correctly, test if the robot arm moves in the direction you push it in. If it e.g. moves in a different or even opposite direction than the applied force you most likely need to remount the sensor.
- The HDMI ports are not supported; therefore, do not connect a video output device to these.
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