Troubleshooting skills can be tricky if there is not a clear root cause. If you notice the skill seems to be loosing performance or continues to behave unexpected, follow the steps below:
Skill Iterations
Was a new iteration of episodes previously trained with MIRAI? To verify that the correct iteration of your skill is being used in your program, check by opening the chosen Skill and navigating to the "test & configure section." There you will see the active skill version posted on the overview.
To modify the active skill or make changes to the active skill configuration, tap the "Test & Configure" button.
Camera Alignment
Did a detail of the camera image change? Check this easily by following the steps from the UserManual in the section - "5.4.5. Camera Realignment".
To review your camera settings for an existing skill, navigate to the desired skill and tap the "three dots" in the upper right corner and select "camera settings" from the dropdown menu.
From the next screen, you will be able to see the camera visibility, angle, and position to make adjustments as needed. Make sure any ring lights are activated (if applicable) before making changes.
Other Camera-related causes:
Possible causes are that someone has accidentally bumped into the camera (common cause with static cameras), that the camera has been used for other purposes in the meantime or that the room lighting has changed. Sometimes the focus or exposure time may have been adjusted, which can be difficult to detect and must be corrected. Sometimes the recovery needs time, so it is worthwhile to train a new, more optimal skill instead.
3. In very rare cases a software update can be responsible.
If you have taken necessary steps to troubleshoot and continue to experience degraded skill performance, reach out to the technical support team for further assistance.
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