When performing a skill, you may encounter this error message on the Mirai Training app in the event that a camera connection is lost during execution. At the point of lost communication, the skill will stop and will need to be re-started.
Step 1: Check the cable connection of the camera
Follow the path of the cable connections starting from the camera unit down to the connection point on the Mirai Controller box. If both cameras are securely connected and getting power, you will see two LED's illuminated on the back of the Ximea camera unit (see image below):
Step 2: Restart the MIRAI training app
Whether you identified a bad connection or not, it may be beneficial to quit and restart the Mirai Training App.
Step 3: Test with a Different Cable / Camera (OPTIONAL)
If the problem persists, we may review the possibility of a defective camera cable (very rare) . If you have a known-good cable, you can save a good deal of time by testing the connection to see if a different cable improves performance.
Furthermore, there is a possibility of a defect in the camera itself. If you have another camera, please try to continue with it and contact our technical support for further steps.
If the cable is causing the issue, if you do not have an extra cable, or if the issue persists, please contact our technical support team for further assistance.
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