If the camera is moved or disturbed, it must be realigned to the original position so that the skill can continue to be executed correctly. This function allows the camera to be realigned to the position it was set to when the skill was created / trained.
Before starting, make sure the end effector is attached and in the desired position.
To find this function, either click on the three small dots at the top right edge of the skill in the skill overview or open the skill menu and then click on the previously mentioned menu (three small dots).
Choose a reference image from the previous episode and adjust the camera position and focus to be as close as possible to the reference image.
Even slight pixel deviations can have an immense impact on the quality of the skill, so make sure you make the adjustment as accurately as possible.
The camera view and the reference image flash alternately on the screen to help you bring the camera as close as possible to the original position.
You can adjust the frequency of the flashing to your needs using the slider.
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